Wohnbau in Österreich in europäischer Perspektive. Festschrift für Prof.Dr. Klaus Lugger

Amann, W., Pernsteiner, H., Struber, Ch. (Hrsg) (2014):
The Austrian system of social housing proves to be one of the most efficient in European comparison. This book is contributed to one of the leading players in the field for many decades: Prof.Dr. Klaus Lugger, long-term CEO of the social landlord „Neuen Heimat Tirol“, chairman of the auditing association of Limited-Profit-Housing Associations in Austria, Austrian Representative to CECODHAS - HOUSING EUROPE. The Antology contains articles from some of the most distinguished housing experts in Austria and contributions from international top experts in housing, such as: Eva Bauer, Sven Bienert, Dietmar Eberle, Walter Hüttler, Rudy de Jong, Stefan Kofner, Corné Koppelaar, Julie Lawson, Alexis Mundt, Nico Nieboer, Claire Roumet, Kathleen Scanlon, Josef Schmidinger, Andreas Sommer, Christian Struber, Sasha Tsenkova, Karin Wagner, Michael Weingärtler, Robert Wieser.
(Wien: Manz).
ISBN 978-3-214-03465-8
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